Clients want that more than anything!
Most of them even want results as soon as they join a coaching program.
Now, clients come to you at different development stages…
And with different business skills…
So, how do they get results?
By having awesome calls with you and your community!
The faster you understand this the quicker you can improve your call planning.
Prior planning prevents poor performance.
Think about it.
As coaches, we’re in the business of creating value for our clients. That means that the biggest fear we share is…
“What if clients don’t see the value in what we’re doing?”
This makes it even more crucial to have a great call plan or system in place.
So, planning your calls is critical.
It’s your job to design your content based on your clients.
This means knowing where they are…
Where they’re heading…
And being one step ahead of them!
It’s so your clients can always have a sense of progression.
They need to know that results are coming right around the corner. That result may not be something relevant in the present, but it’s clear that it will be valuable soon.
When you achieve this, something amazing happens.
You start building momentum and skills with your clients…
Simultaneously, you’re building your own momentum and skills!
By continuously working towards something.
By flexing that beautiful entrepreneurial coaching brain.
By thinking about ways to get better results for your clients.
So, what’s the lesson here?
You can’t rush into your calls without a clear strategy.
Clients are very demanding, and you can’t create your content and structure your lessons on the fly.
You need to know where your clients are at all times and where they want to go to stay one step ahead.
If you can do that, you’ll be able to help them see the value and the results they’re getting along the way.