How do you get prospects from warm to hot?
I’ve given you the first key principles or steps to building a reliable indoctrination funnel in my last email.
And those three principles are:
- Get clear on your goal
- Engage in foreplay
- Give them an application
By now, you’re close to getting them burning with the desire to buy.
But there are two more principles that round up the indoctrination funnel.
Let’s find out how to turn up the heat even more and get your ideal clients on board.
The Fourth Principle
After weeding out potentially bad clients, it’s time to book an appointment with the prospects you want to work with:
The clients you want to hire!
Set the date and get them to commit.
The Fifth Principle
For your indoctrination funnel to work, you want to make prospects so hot for your program, they wouldn’t consider dropping out of a call.
Remember that at this point, prospects already know a bit about you.
They went through your social proof.
And they’re already interested.
It’s time to get them to gag for more!
So, you just offer more.
Invite prospects into your group. Hand out training videos. Maybe even give them more testimonials or detailed case studies.
Use all the tools at your disposal to argue an even stronger case for your program.
The Lesson
Although there are five key principles to a successful indoctrination funnel, you’ll notice two recurring problems you’re attempting to solve:
Prospects don’t know you and don’t trust you.
The indoctrination funnel addresses these two issues in multiple stages.
Not only that, but it doesn’t just warm up your prospects. It takes them from cold to warm to hot to dying to get on that sales call.
An indoctrination funnel explains who you are, the value you bring and builds anticipation until prospects need that resolution.
What’s the resolution?
To jump on the sales call…
Buy your program…
And learn to fix their personal or professional problems!
Don’t put yourself in a position to chase leads or work with clients that make your life miserable. Set up an indoctrination funnel and convert the prospects you really want to impact.