There are only two things that matter when influencing people online...
And they aren’t what you think.
Now, there’s a tonne of “influenzas” out there that will tell you it’s all about how many followers you have and how many likes you get.
They’re wrong.
Building influence and growing your coaching business has nothing to do with likes and followers.
I hit my first 7 figures in my coaching business in only 10 months last year with less than 5000 friends, no Insta following, less than 1000 business page likes and without any fancy photos or professional videos.
Last month, I had a 7 figure month without any paid ads, the same 5000 friends and still no Insta following.
One of my clients SW, made $50k in a month recently with less than 2000 friends.
Renu, my client who came to Australia with only $100 to her name started her business with only 200 friends… she made $150k in 3 months.
And KM had a $100k month recently despite her entire market being decimated by COVID.
So if it’s not about likes or followers… what is it?
There are only two things that matter when influencing people online…
The first is owning your IDENTITY.
That means presenting yourself online with complete CONGRUENCY.
No bullshit. No lies. No exaggerations.
Just you and your MISSION.
And yes! I mean all of it… the good, the bad and the UGLY.
People want to see that you still have room for GROWTH too.
It makes you a thousand times more relatable than some photoshopped fake-as-fuck-insta-demi-muscle-god with 100k followers and zero dollars in the bank.
The second?
Coming from a place of IMPACT.
It’s not actually about the dollars and cents for dollars and cents sake…
But it is about the dollars and cents because those figures above represent thousands of lives impacted.
Every day, each of my clients ask themselves ONE simple question…
It’s not how many likes can I get today?
Or how many more followers can I get?
Not even how much money can I make?
The only question that we ask ourselves every single day (and you should too) is…
How can I IMPACT more lives today?
Because Identity + impact = INFLUENCE.
Yours in impact,
Brody Lee