Please include your country code and use the format + Country Code - Area Code - Number
How is your BUSINESS doing? Most people are in one of 3 places...(Required)
How are your EVENTS? Most people are in one of 3 places...(Required)
What do you think you need most to scale your events right now? Choose as many as you like(Required)
If we approve your application to work with us, when would you be able to start?(Required)
And finally, we work with all of our clients in a blended consultancy and partnership model over multiple years.(Required)
The investment consists of an initial kickoff investment, an ongoing monthly retainer and sales commissions. That's how deeply committed we are to helping you scale your events. We don't mess around! The kickoff investment is $20000. If your application is approved we will discuss all of your needs on a Zoom meeting to ensure we can fully assist you. If we can, the initial investment will be requested in advance of our working together. Are you comfortable with this investment and willing to proceed right away if we confirm that we are able to assist you?